Conan O'Brien via his tweeter account...
"In three months I've gone from network television to Twitter to performing live in theaters, and now I'm headed to basic cable," "My plan is working perfectly."
"The good news: I will be doing a show on TBS starting in November! The bad news: I'll be playing Rudy on the all new Cosby Show."
Now here's the bad news...
His new show will debut in November at 11pm EST and will air Monday through Thursday only. It will be followed by George Lopez's "Lopez Tonight" which currently airs at 11pm est. Hmmm, Conan wouldn't move The Tonight Show from 1130pm to 1200a but he is ok with pushing another show out of it's time slot? Sorry, Conan...but "Chelsey Lately" comes on at 11pm EST so that is who I will be watching.
Good Luck though
Bob Out
This wasn't the outcome I was expecting, but hopefully it works for him.
I'm really starting to like Chelsea too!
I just read that Conan wouldn't agree to the 11PM show, but then Lopez called him and gave him the okay, so, Coco at 11.
This is good news for me. I get the East Coast feed of TBS HD so I'll get to watch him at 8pm and Lopez the hour afterward.
Hate to see Lopez bumped an hour later though.
Oh Good, Bob!
That makes it better!
I will still watch it
Will give it a try and depending how good will watch but will probably stick with Chelsea also.
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