Thursday, November 4, 2010

Conversations with My Teenage Self

I am stealing this idea from my fellow blog buddy, Little Miss Sunshine State. This was hard to write and got really emotional. Here are the five things I would tell my teenage self....

1- Your father let drugs & alcohol keep him from being a real father. That is not your fault. It was his decision or his addiction that kept him from being the father you wanted. Don't dwell on the fact that you didn't have a good father like your friends did. Be thankful for the amazing people you have in your life. Don't hate your father either. Just feel sorry for him. It really was his loss.

2- Forgive your mother. She makes a lot of mistakes but she is human and you know she loves you. She doesn't do a lot of things like you would like her to but that's just who she is. You will learn that as an adult you will make a lot of mistakes yourself. Accept her for the love and support she has given you through the years and not her mistakes. You've let her down a lot too! REMEMBER, we're all human...even your mother! She was there for everything and that matters A LOT.

3- You are not too busy to spend time with those you love. You've had some great role models in your life. Aunt Eliza, Aunt Gertrude, Uncle Albert & Maw Maw/Paw Paw. They are amazing people. You loved spending time with them when you were younger. Now that you are driving and want to hang with your friends, don't use that as an excuse not to still spend time with them. One day....way too soon they will be gone and you will wish you had that time to do all over again.

4- You are gay! Praying and dating women will not change that. Accept yourself. Be Bold! Being gay is not an abomination to God. He loves you just the way you are. Live your life, BE FREE.

5- September 16, 1985 will change your world forever. On Sunday, September 15th, your sister will come to visit you at work. She is the polar opposite of you. She wears leather and drives a motorcycle and you are "Mr. Preppy". When she pulls up and your friends and co-workers see her, you are scared they will find out she is your sister. You go outside hoping they won't see you talking to her. She asks if you want to go see a movie. You decline because you are embarrassed by her appearance. The next day she dies in a motorcycle accident. You will regret not going to that movie with her for the rest of your life. You have cried and cried and still cry about it. It will be the biggest regret of your life. That was your sister and you loved her with all your heart. You  will learn that the diversity in people is what makes the world a really cool place. You should have learned it sooner! If you get that day outside when you see her...hug her for as long as you can and when she asks if you want to go see that movie , say YES! YES! YES!

Bob Out


Writer said...

This is amazing: I may have to steal it myself. :) *hugs*

Robyn said...

OMG I'm so sorry to hear about your sister. And she died on my birthday, too. :(

I will have to make the time to write a post like this one. It might take me a few days to come up with the answers.


Little Miss Sunshine State said...

This was an AWESOME post.{HUGS}

If only we could have our adult wisdom when we are teenagers.

Bob said...

What a brilliant idea, and thanks for sharing your personal stories.
Those are the ties that bind us to one another.

Anonymous said...

I did a letter to my eight yr old self a while really does bring up so much emotion...yours is wonderful.


Lover Lady said...

I love you.

robertga99 said...

Thanks, everyone! *hugs* back

Luv u 2 , Bunny!

Anonymous said...

thanks! :) think i might show a class of teenagers this when i get a chance!! :)